
Ask A Clothing Question

Ask a question about clothes shopping. We’ll send your question to people with your body and style and post their answers here.

In mid-June, we launched Ditto. Our big vision for Ditto is to make product discovery personal, and our first focus has been on clothes.

Until now, we’ve been helping people find new places to shop for clothes by sending out weekly quizzes. The way the quizzes work has been pretty simple. Take a quiz to tell us about your favorite clothes. We match you to people with your body and style based on your answer so you can see what they posted.

A few weeks ago, we thought we’d try something new.

Instead of asking you about your favorite clothes and why you love them, we sent an email to some of you asking if you had a question you’d like answered that we haven’t asked.

Here’s how it works.

You ask a clothing question. We send your question to people with your body and style to get their answers. After a couple weeks, we post your question with their answers here.

We’ve already had a few people ask questions. Feel free to browse their answers below to get some ideas for what you can ask.

So, ask away by filling out the “quiz” below, or browse the questions and answers our subscribers have already asked!

Questions And Answers